Tuesday 22 October 2013

Messiah 7 : Trouble

Mother Rinnesfeld slowly and silently walked into their room. On the bed was Roberia, and on the floor was Katachi.

Ri : (They still sleep separately, hmm. How will they develop if they keep themselves apart like that?)

Mother Rinnesfeld slowly picked up Katachi in her arms, distributing his body weight over her own center of gravity. Lifting him just below her chest level, she walked towards the fuzzy, uncomfortable mattress of Katachi's and laid the boy onto the bed with Roberia.

Ri : (Katachi, Roberia, you are married now. You two could at least try to get used to each other's presence.)

She left the room, as silently as she had arrived.

*** ***

But her intervention was not as secretive as she had thought.

Roberia opened her eyes a little bit, and peeked at what constituted the image of Katachi.

Ro : (His face... It's close. I can feel his breath from here...)

Roberia slowly nudged her head forward, and closed the distance between them slightly further. The bed they laid in was small to begin with, so it was easy to cuddle together.

Slowly, their face inched together, and got close enough for her to feel his face radiating a soft, gentle warmth.

Ro : (Now that I think about it... The kiss I've heard so much about, I wonder what it actually feels like? I mean, Mom and Dad have always done it, and it's supposed to be something between man and wife...)

Her curiosity burned tepidly, once bestowed upon this rare chance.

And so, she stretched her neck further, and slowly, their lips tou-

Right before it did, Katachi flipped himself to face his back against her.

Ro : (Aww, he turned away. Oh well, I guess that can wait for another day. It's probably better if we're both in the mood for it, too.)
K : (WHAT WAS SHE TRYING TO DO!? DID SHE... DID SHE TRY TO KISS ME?! As if our faces being this close isn't uncomfortable enough, she wants to get even closer?! That's WAY too close for comfort!!)

Katachi, who too had feigned sleep, was wide awake since Mother Rinnesfeld entered the room.

K : (Should I turn back around? I feel like she had been eager to kiss, seeing how she shifted closer and closer to me like that... Do I kiss her?! Should I?! I... I just can't! I don't deserve such a beautiful wife. I don't deserve something like the pleasure of a kiss. I don't deserve any of these. All of it would be for naught. Besides, she probably doesn't see me in a romantic light. She probably sees me as a person who can help her family ward off the bandits...)

Katachi slowly raised his hand to his face, and wiped the tear streaks from the side of his head.

K : (... I suppose I deserve a fate like so... Married to someone not of free will, but by coercion and responsibility...)

The two settled down rather quickly after Mother Rinnesfeld had left the room.

Ro : (... Well, back-to-back could be romantic, too.)

So Roberia turned her back to face his, and they slept in the warmth of each other.

*** ***

K : "... The whips..."

Ro : "? Did you say something, Katachi?"

K : "The... The whips... Red... Red everywhere..."

Roberia's shadow towered over his head, prompting him to look up.

Roberia, after waking up a couple of minutes ago, had rather tangled hair. The over-sized, linen pajamas she's wearing had been creased, and her pants sagged, almost falling off her hips. Being leaner and slimmer than Mother Rinnesfeld has its disadvantages - For instance, she couldn't find garments that fitted her size, nor could she comfort this boy with feminine features distinctive to ideal wives and their finely-tuned bodies.

K : "... Whips..."

Ro : "Let me see your hand."
K : "..."

Katachi raised his left hand, bringing it into clear view.

Ro : "... The burn mark's healing, huh... That's good."
K : "... Roberia?"

Ro : "Yes?"

K : "... Your dress style is strangely..."

Her over-sized clothes caused the neckhole and saggy pants to exude a strange, erotic aura which brought out her charms subconsciously.

*Cozy's Notes : I'm just surprised that Mother Rinnesfeld doesn't wear a medieval gown to bed. Then again, the church is pretty poor with only enough to get by, and she probably made clothes with Katachi in mind - So she's been making and wearing men's clothes...


Ro : "? Strangely what? These are just Mother Rinnesfeld's pajamas."

K : "... Nothing. I meant to say it made you look..."

Ro : "? Look?"
K : "... Look..."

His stuttering agitated Roberia.

Ro : "Look what? Speak your mind."

K : "... Womanly."

A calming silence rasped at the air about them.

Ro : (He's struggling to acknowledge my charms? ... Then again, from all the people I've met thus far, I don't recall Findeli men being as straightforward and aggressive, unlike us, so it's a good effort, I guess.) "Thank you. Now, time to wake up. We're setting off, aren't we?"

Her eyes perked up, and she hummed a strange, foreign tune while Katachi struggled to overcome his lethargy.

*Cozy's Notes : Hahaha! Normal phrases that will make tsunderes stutter and go "B-b-baka! I-i-it's not like I wanted you to praise me or anything!" doesn't work on her. Contrary to a shy character, Roberia's character is the exact opposite of a stereotypical tsundere! A-ha! Take that, generic Oriental character personality archetypes!

... That doesn't stop her from using violence, though. That's not her personality - That's cultural influence. Most Ilpoh worshipers are supposed to demonstrate strength on almost everything, to keep a domineering presence before and over their enemy, and to reassure their allies in a reliable partner.*

K : "... Yeah. I'll... I'll get up in a bit."

Katachi struggled to wake up, his body still drained from his lack of sleep.

*Cozy's Notes : I WHIP MAH HAIR BACK AND FORTH XD I can imagine her singing that while throwing her hair about in a crazy fashion. Which... Is really un-glamorous, if anything. Man, if only you could see the mental image in my head now.*

*** ***

Ro : "Hurry up, Katachi! I'm leaving without you if you're going to be this slow!!"

K : "I'm on my way, don't rush me! Let me grab something!"

Ri : "I'm sure you two will enjoy each other's company while traveling together. All the best, Roberia dear."

Ro : "I will, Mother Rinnesfeld. And, well... Thank you. If it weren't for you, then I would have been pulled into a Dardicel worship ceremony back then."

Ri : "No worries, dear. Have a safe trip."

Katachi came around the corridor, with his full bag and the 1000-paged book still strapped on his side.

K : "I'm ready!"

Ro : "Let's go already, Katachi! We've wasted enough time. Eliasbury is a two-day journey on foot, you know!"

And so, the two bid farewell to Mother Rinnesfeld.

*** ***

Ro : "You're slow, Katachi! Surely you could walk a bit faster?"

K : "... Spare me..."

The two had started on the sandy path towards Eliasbury. However, thanks to Roberia's constant fumbling in bed, Katachi had been devoid of rest, so his movements were sluggish.

Ro : "Geez, you have no stamina. Fine, let's rest for a bit. This way!"

Roberia walked towards a rather large oak, and sat underneath it. Her hand patted at the spot next to her, inviting Katachi to sit next to her.

Dragging his feet across the hot sand and grass, Katachi finally made it to the shade and put his belongings down.

K : "Haa~..."

Ro : "You didn't strike me as someone this feeble when we fought, Katachi. What's gotten into you?"

Katachi eyed her with a slightly annoyed face.

K : "... *deep breath, exhale* It would be easier if I wasn't carrying both of our stuff, you know."

Ro : "!!" (Both of our stuff? He carried my stuff?) "Carrying my stuff? But... I'm carrying my bag!"

K : "Mother Rin insisted that I bring some of your essentials along. If she hadn't, I'd probably have an easier time with this."

Ro : "... Oh... You were, you were carrying my stuff as well..." (This is awkward. I imposed on him, and yet I had this gall to question his strength.)

K : "Yeah. But the worst of it all, is that she specifically stated that you shouldn't carry this at all, and only I should."

Ro : "? Why? That's crazy!"

K : "... Because as a man, I am supposed to manage the tough labor and not let you worry. If I can't build a strong body, I can't support you, after all."

Ro : "There's no sense nor sanity found in that! *opens bag* Open your bag, and pass me all of my stuff, Katachi."

Katachi's face turned serious.

K : "... Are you sure?"

*** ***

Minutes later, a huge assortment of things were laid across the ground.

Amongst them were a few combs, flints to start fires, some simple clothes Mother Rinnesfeld handed down, a metallic hook, some thick rope, an extra blanket and groundsheet, 3 empty water pouches, and many, many more junk, to name a few of the many items sprawled across the grass.

Ro : "There's... There's too many items!"

K : 'That's what I have been telling her, but Mother Rin can be really stubborn when she needs be."

Ro : "We won't even need most of these stuff, spare the clothes! Why three water pouches?!"

K : "She was afraid that we'd lose one each, so she made sure I brought replacements, and replacements of the replacements. Thanks to all of these excessive items, my bag is close to tearing if I hadn't sewn and reinforced the strap."

Ro : "You should drop off SOME of them, at least..."

K : "I shouldn't. I made a promise to Mother Rin that I would carry these, as unwilling as I was. If I cannot keep my promise to her, I will not be able to keep my promise to anyone."

Ro : (... His pride as a man who dutifully keeps his promise is at stake... I shouldn't interfere then. If I make him break this, he may end up breaking this promise of marriage with me too...)

Roberia held back a bit, and looked up at the clear sky.

The weather was sunny - The thins streaks of clouds did little to filter the sun's radiance and heat. The sandy path filled with many little rocks and grains of minerals trapped the heat of the day, making the walk on the path hellish.

Ro : "... Katachi?"

K : "Yes?"

Ro : "... Let's take a forest route instead. That route looks painful enough for you to walk on. Having the weight sandwiching you into that hot and unforgiving path... It's disconcerting."

K : "... Ah. Okay... If you say so."

*** ***

After some time had passed while they trekked through the forest path...

Ro : "Are you really okay with carrying that big thing? It's becoming painful just watching you struggle with it..."

K : "I'm... Fine..."

Katachi tried as hard as he could, to walk with the really, really heavy bag. Having a single strap meant the entire weight of the contents pressed against one of his shoulders, which made carrying it that much more difficult.

Ro : "You don't look fine, though. Come on, pass me the bag!"

K : "Wha- No, I can't have you doing these things-"

Ro : "Don't be as nonsensical as Mother Rinnesfeld! You'd hurt your back if you keep this up for long!"

K : "But I'm not hurt, don't worry about me! I can carry it-"

Ro : "You can't! You clearly don't have the power to carry it! Have you forgotten that I used to carry a huge, heavy greatsword on my back before?"

K : (But you didn't swing it with strength, you swung it with momentum! It requires much lesser effort, and this isn't something you swing about on your wrists!) "I know that, but this is different!"

Ro : "How is this different?"

K : "... Well, I... Uh..."

Ro : "If you can't answer me, then hand it over!"

Roberia tugged at the one strap, the magic reinforcing the joint gradually stretching to its limit.

K : "Stop! Don't pull! Don't pull!! It's going to snap!"
Ro : "Just trust me on this, and hand the bag over!"

*** ***

The two tugged and tugged, until finally, the grip on her palms loosened slightly, and Katachi toppled over towards a grassy incline.

Ro : "?! Katachi?!"

And he rolled...

K : (Ahh- I'm rolling... It's so dizzy, what a blur... Where am I rolling to?)

And rolled...

Ro : "Katachi, are you okay?!"

And rolled off a small ledge, his inertia sending him flying for a fair bit before landing on the grass with the bag cushioning his fall.

K : "... Ah... I'm alive."

Ro : "Katachi!"

Roberia slid down the slope, leapt the ledge, and performed a smooth rolling landing before regaining her balance and running towards Katachi.

K : (Wow... She's so flexible and graceful in her movements...)

*Cozy's Notes : Damn, she's acrobatic. If she were a Talonflame, I'd give her a Flying Gem, Gale Wings Ability, max attack and speed, Acrobatics base 110 power priority +1 bitch XD Pokemon rules! WOOH!!

Sorry. Caught up in the X & Y hype. MEGA BLASTOISE #ARMCANNONS!!

Also, it's technically not possible for him to see her land, I know, some of you argue that way since he's dizzy and can't see clearly, but he can roughly hear how she lands and such. He heard only soft thuds and none of the painful crashes he himself had.*

Ro : "Are you okay?"

K : "... Nnnngh... I'm fine."

Roberia chuckled for a bit, and punched his arm.

Ro : "You said that just now, but you weren't, were you?"

Katachi's eyes kept rolling to his left, and he struggled to regain his balance.

K : "... If you hadn't tugged at the bag, I probably would have been..."

Ro : "Come on, take off that bag already. We can swap bags. As your wife, I am to share your burden. We can take turns carrying it, okay?"

K : "But... Mother Rin-"

Ro : "Oh, so Mother Rinnesfeld's opinion is more important than my concern for you right now?"

K : (... I can't rebuke if she says it this way...)

Katachi reached for the strap, but his hand went off-course for a bit.

K : "... The world's spinning..."

Ro : (He just rolled off a cliff... I remember rolling like that myself. He probably hasn't recovered from it yet.) "Fine, I'll take it off for you then, if you're feeling dizzy."

K : "... Please... Do..."

Roberia raised the strap, and tucked Katachi's head underneath it-


An earsplitting roar.

An unearthly cry of agony and rage, that was so impactful, it frightened everything in the forest. It made Roberia loosen her grip slightly, and the strap landed on Katachi's forehead and face. The wild animals fled from the area immediately.

Ro : (Wha- What just made that sound?)

Roberia slowly turned around, to find...

... A monster.

A gigantic wyvern-like creature, its entire skin as beautiful as the ebony night sky with its countless stars like little dots, like a Grass-stalking Leopard and Night-hunter Panther hybrid. Two distinctive eyes formed on what appears to be the head of the sifting mass, locking eyes with Roberia and Katachi who was still lying on the floor.

*Cozy's Notes : I've been a fan of Danny Phantom, if you know that show you shared the same childhood as I did. For this beast's skin, refer to Nocturne's body from Danny Phantom as reference. Essentially, they're the same. You can assume that this beast is a combination of Nocturne from Danny Phantom, and Aku from Samurai Jack - Since, well. its shape is so organic, and it's actually capable of *bleeeeeeeeeep*.


Ro : "Wha-"


*** ***

*Cozy's Notes : By the way, yeah, its roar sounds weird to them, but if we are to play them in our current time and age, we can convert their cries into actual messages. It is one single roar, with the pitch changing consistently like, like Cortana from the first Halo going higher and higher in pitch before finally going down, except this isn't a consistent, linear increase. Its roar is actually a modulated signal.*

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Messiah 6 : Talk

K : "... Roberia, we need to talk."

The boy guided the girl onto a comfortable bench, and he sat next to her.

K : "I... I am not staying here!..."

Ro : (Not staying here? Does he have another home?) "? Hmm?"

K : "I am going to continue travelling to other countries."

Ro : "! You are?"

Katachi clenched his fist a little bit, in anxiety.

K : (Her face looks shocked...) "Sorry for not telling you earlier."

Ro : "... You're... Going to continue travelling? Not staying at this church?"

K : (I knew I should have popped the question earlier when I had the chance...) "Yes."

Ro : "Where to?"

K : "I... I don't know, the whole of Rugnud, Anik, Ohde, maybe even the seas, to faraway countries, like Aiecol or Narranac, or even... Even the mythical Island amongst the Clouds, found in the Eastern region, or... Somewhere... As far as I need to go, as far as I have to walk."

Ro : "So you're just going to travel like that? Like... Like a wanderer, a crusader? Aimlessly?"

K : (She probably expected me to settle down at her family's house so I could help ward off the bandits or something...) "... Yes."

Ro : (Perfect! He's going to continue wandering about just like when we met!) "... In that case... I want to tag along with you!"

K : (Wha- What?) "A- Are you sure? You could stay here and accompany Mother Rin, or we could go and live at your vill-"

Ro : "I prefer travelling. Why do you think I set out to begin with, instead of fighting everyone in my-! ... My village?" (That was close, I almost said army there...)

K : "... I guess..."

Ro : "You don't need to worry about anything. I am your wife now, after all. Let us enjoy and appreciate all of our moments together."

K : (So she's coming along after all...) "... If you insist... We shall set off tomorrow morning."

Ro : "So... Where do you plan to go, for a start?" (Please don't tell me it's Rugnud...)

K : "... Well, I'm thinking of working my way towards Anik, which is supposed to be the language the Curse Words originally are, so... I'm thinking of heading North first, towards Eliasbury."

Ro : (Good! Eliasbury - Further away from Rugnud! That's wonderful!- ? Wait, what did he say?)" Curse Words?"

K : "Ahh, sorry. Words of Power. That's their actual name, which, well... They used to be called Curse Words."

Ro : "? Then, why call them Curse Words?"

K : "Because... Because knowing their origin is vital in boosting the, the... One's knowledge, over the Words of Power. The recognition of their origins and roots reflects upon the Scholar's knowledge of the Words' strength since its creation, and also, sort of, empowers the image power Scholars radiate by a bit..."

Katachi twiddled his fingers together unconsciously as he recalled the book's contents.

K : "... Especially since they are believed to have done intensive research, and have supposedly attained a certain understanding of the Word of Power they have."

Ro : "... Okay?..." (I don't get why he used the singular form at the back there, but I suppose it's something magi or Scholars should know...)

*Cozy's Notes : Roberia's a solid definition of a warrior by heart, mind, body and soul. She doesn't think too much about it, since she also desires for the element of surprise and uncertainty during battle. In a sense, her training has made her stop thinking over details too much, and focus on enjoying and savoring what the enemy has to throw at her.

That's actually a misconception on her part - Scholars aren't necessarily magi to begin with. Anyone with a Word of Power can become a Scholar, should they exhibit the knowledge needed to wield them. But, y'know, era difference. They aren't actually that open-minded, as we are currently. Also explains why the Words of Power, in our era where a Chinese-English dictionary is easily available through a few taps on our smartphones, is super powerful and lethal.

Should they be real, of course.*

K : "... Hmm."

Ro : "What's wrong?"

K : "... My wife, huh... *blushes* Ah! I never got to ask, but, how do you conduct marriages in Rugnud?"

Ro : "Oh, right, I never really got to that part, did I?"

Roberia clamped her hands between her thighs to warm them. Though the weather outside blanketed the lands in a gentle warm, the ritual of her being carried upon Katachi's back had yet been accepted into her comfort zone - And so her body is slightly shaky and nervous.

Ro : "... Marriages in Rugnud fall under one of two Gods - Ilpoh, and Dardicel. They are the main gods worshipped over at our place."

K : "Dardicel too, huh..."

Roberia smiled briefly at him, and continued.

Ro : "Yes. Well, for marriages under Ilpoh, we prepare a ceremonial sword."

K : "? A ceremonial sword?"

Ro : "Yes. The steel ceremonial sword is created in halves. The bridegroom receives the male half, while the bride receives the female half. Although purely decorative and ceremonial, it is not something to be looked down upon. The sword is a very, very serious symbolic object that should never be taken lightly."

K : "... Huh..."

Ro : "If one wishes to wed another, they would carry this sword about them in broad daylight, and should a partner show interest, they start dating. Should they marry, the two halves will be joined as one, and never be separated, symbolizing their eternal bond with each other."

*Cozy's Notes : Holy shit. Marriage without separation. 2gether 4ever to a crazy level. Do want!*

K : "I see."

Ro : "However, one must exercise extreme caution. When the swords are joined, the couple is sworn to Ilpoh. Should one betray the oath, their half of the sword will become blood red. Those with half-red or fully red swords are often ostracized by the people around them for their infidelity. Moreover, should the couple be forced upon each other unwillingly, for example, a forced wedlock over rape or adultery, the steel... It turns from silver into a dull black for the victim to indicate the defilement, and a disgusting amber for the perpetrator to mark him for death."

*Cozy's Notes : ...
I want to live in this world, but I also don't~...*

K : (That sounds really serious...) "... Ah..."

Ro : "... Of course, there are... There are cases where the ceremonial sword is completely black, that is, when two victims of abuse fall in love, and their ceremonial sword becomes a beauty of black steel. In those cases, the two whom have found their love receives a daffodil crest, which is... Which is, well, the most beautiful and romantic symbolism."

K : "Of what?"

Roberia's hands reached for Katachi's, and held them tight.

Ro : "Of the hardships they have endured and overcome to find true love."

*Cozy's Notes : That is so sweet and romantic. But, to push two people into a yellow tint so two black, scarred halves may merge... Kind of twisted, in a sense, but also kind of... Kind of...
... Beautiful...*

*TW's Notes : inb4 plot twist - black means perpetrators and yellow means victims lol*

*** ***

Night fell.

Katachi helped wash the dishes in the basin, while Roberia was thoroughly engrossed in a conversation with Mother Rinnesfeld over the general information of Mielfeud.

Ro : "There's a place to grow plants and trees?"

Ri : "Yes. It's very close to the marketplace and a bakery I often visit with Katachi, and it has some of the sweetest fruits you can imagine. There's a merchant there that harvests and sells the fruits there."

Ro : "That seems nice..."

Ri : "It's also one of the only regions in Findel that you can find the much-coveted Dragonfruit."

Ro : "!! The fruit of dragons?!... I have heard rumors about this fruit of dragons, which is mildly sweet and also very majestic! But I've never actually seen it with my own eyes..."

Ri : "Oh, don't you worry. We can visit it tomorrow if you'd like."

The talk they had beforehand surfaced into their heads upon the mention of 'tomorrow'.

Ro : "Oh, about that, Mother Rinnesfeld..."

Ri : "?"
Ro : "You see, we're... Going to travel together."

... A silence that emphasized how loud a draft of air could actually sound befell the room.

Ri : "Eh?"

Ro : "We... We are going to travel the world together, see. I've made my decision to marry him, so as his wife, you see, I have an obligation to be by his side, see, to serve my sire."

Ri : "Sire?!"
K : "Roberia! Don't use the term 'sire'! You're not pregnant!"

Ro : "? Why not? I will be pregnant eventually, wouldn't I- ?!"

Katachi scuttered towards the doorway quickly, and ran out of the dining room. The drops of dishwater still on his hands were spattered across his path, as his footsteps repeatedly tapped the ground.

Ro : "What was that? My pregnancy can't possibly be the end of the world, can it? So what's with his attitude?"

Ri : "... Roberia dear, Katachi's still young. Teasing him is fine, but don't go too far, okay?"

Ro : "He didn't seem to be the type to be so embarrassed about it, though. It should come naturally, unless-"

Ri : "As you've said, it ought to come naturally, but hold back for a bit, Roberia dear. A wife ought to serve her sire properly, after all, especially when it comes to dealing with each others' fears."

Ro : "... Okay."

Ri : "Also, Roberia dear... There is something you should know."

*** ***

The truth was, Katachi's tears had already begun flowing since he had heard the word "sire".

Katachi sobbed silently on his uncomfortable bed. What had filled his mind wasn't simple thoughts of how his life with Roberia would proceed, nor what future plans he had, nor was it about how many children he wanted.


A brown and yellow patch, amidst the green... Flashbacks of the painful memory surfaced in Katachi's head.

K : "... I can't..."

The lucid and miserable memory hasn't faded at all since his childhood. He could forgive and forget about many things, about the juvenile children beating him up and bullying him, about the unreasonable adults and their biased mindsets, about the agony he has had to suffer to protect other children who didn't even want his 'pity', about the growing desperation in his heart regarding the Words of Power being misused by unscrupulous scoundrels.

All but one could he forgive - Himself.

Katachi curled himself into a ball, and clutched his hands tightly, opening them only to rub them together occasionally for heat. It would seem natural, but the pink flesh that was once his palms, blanched by his grip strength, suggested otherwise. His chest constricted, and it felt as if something was gripping painfully at his heart.

K : "... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..."

The tear from his right eye rolled over his nose, and reached the sclera of his right eye. The tears formed a uniform stream, creating a single damp pool on the pillow - Something Katachi had practiced for a long time, to deceive Mother Rinnesfeld into thinking it was drool on his pillow instead of tears.

He loved her enough to not have her worry about him. And so he quietly shed his tears.

*Cozy's Notes : Refer to Chapter 1, when it was the first time he went back to the church crying. At the age of four. It's related to it.*

*Hint : You can never really let go of the past.*

While the two women outside remain oblivious to his trauma.

*** ***

Roberia came into the bedroom, to see Katachi resting snugly in a fetal position.

Ro : (Is it really that awful to have children? I feel pretty thankful that my parents gave birth to me, but... What Mother Rinnesfeld said...)

*** ***

Ro : "He's an-... an orphan?!"

The two tried to keep their voices down as much as they could.

Ri : "Yes. That is perhaps why he's so sensitive about marriage and having a child."

Ro : "It doesn't make sense then! Wouldn't he want to challenge fate and prove it otherwise?"

Ri : "I suppose that's one way to look at it, but... He's not that fond of Dardicel's teachings to begin with, so I can't speak for him nor his thoughts. Maybe he doesn't want his children to suffer as he had."

Ro : "... Still, I didn't think it would have such an adverse effect on him..."

Ri : "In any case, please exercise caution when discussing this topic, Roberia dear. I fear he may not have the heart to stomach such a sensitive topic."

Ro : "Of course! Of course."

*** ***

Ro : (... You poor thing.) "Come here, you lovely litt- !?"

Katachi got up from his bed, and flipped his pillow to bring up its underside. He then got up from the bed, with half-open eyes to partially block his bloodshed sclera, and feign his lethargy.

K : "... Roberia, you can have my bed..."

His voice croaked with an unsuppressable sorrow. Though he had been prepared to deceive Mother Rinnesfeld by pretending to be asleep, Roberia sleeping with him was another matter altogether.

Ro : (He's crying?) "You're awake? Where are you going?"

K : "... I'm going out."

Ro : "!? In the middle of the night?!"

K : "Don't worry. I'll be fine - I'd be walking a path I... I have walked for a long time, for countless times. It's just a... A sudden urge to visit a place I've known for a long time."

Ro : "Even so, at night is-"

K : "It's okay," His voice cracked as he withheld the gradually arising guilt.

Ro : (That's anything but 'okay'...)
K : "... I'll be fine. I'll watch myself."

Ro : "If you insist."

Roberia turned and snuggled her head against the deflated pillow. Grateful that Roberia respected his wishes, Katachi headed out towards the place of loving memory.

The first memory of Mielfeud he had - The herb ledge.

*** ***

And so, Katachi looked up at the moon, from the stump he had neglected for 2 months. He stared at the shiny moss upon the rock opposite, and saw within its light, the irreparable damage he had done.

*** ***

*Cozy's Notes : You're 10 years old. What kind of irreparable damage could you possibly do? #eyeglint.*

*TW's Notes : ... Is this the part where you go 'What could possibly go wrong?' Only for it to end up really screwed up? Damn. That plot twist shit again. You really love your plot twists.*

*Cozy's Notes : Try to consider it from his point of view. Why would a 10 or 11 year old like him have such a cautious, meticulous personality? What do you think caused him to act like so? What kind of past has he suffered to result in such an intensive need to structure out his plans? Why not have him go guns ablazing like most other children, with their seemingly-limitless power of youth and energy?

Usually that sort of methodological thought pattern and joy is given to us adults whom have to play and actually rely on reverse psychology to gain an edge over the opponent. A child like him wouldn't need something this complex. In fact, most kids like him often listen to us old folk talk about stuff like this. We end up becoming the brain, and them the brawn to bring it to action.

So why has he become that much of an adult, more so than the other children around him, and enough for Mother Rinnesfeld to pamper and love him like that? How, for the love of God, did he become such a weird kid, and yet not be punished by Mother Rinnesfeld like other normal children who get punished by their parents for doing the wrong things?

Hint : Refer to Chapter 1. 'Mother Rin's love and guidance, and the townsfolk's behaviour towards him forced Katachi to mature at an abnormally fast rate' as well as 'He did not run towards her crying because he was bullied.'

Try to guess.*

*TW's Notes : You're talking cryptic again. I'm scared. This will turn into another hour-long conversation of beat-around-the-fucking-bush, wouldn't it? I'm out nigga, peace.*

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Good news! HURRAYYYY

Hey people, it's Cozy.

I would like to take this to explain what happened these two months of my supposed 'holidays', as well as a major update! WOOO!!

Right, in accordance to September and October's inactivity... Sorry. I really am sorry.

My major project ate up practically 5 weeks of my holiday, and that's all of them. I'm in my fifth week of the holiday that isn't a holiday. And I'm STILL doing my Major Project! (Whoops!)

Well, it's my choice, mainly - If I manage to complete the autonomous model of my project by this Friday, then it's a big weight off my chest. If not, I can settle for a simple D pass grade for my GPA.

And that's... Not a bad change of pace, if I may. Getting high marks all the time can be stressful when everybody looks up to you. My average is actually 3.5, so it'd be nice to take a break from that.

I'll take the chance to say this - Happy Hari Raya Hajj. In celebration of the Eid al-Adha, let me take this to say, that next week onwards is a week of new beginnings.

New timetable! (Yay!) New timeslots! (Yay!)


That means good news. Starting next week, I am able to pump out content effectively for every week of my semester. I can use this new timetable to my advantage, and actually catch up on the times I didn't get to post.

... That reminds me. It's almost been a year of writing this story, huh...

I can't say that I've successfully written it in the most ideal way possible, but I'm glad I wrote this.

I actually started this little story, thinking the world was going to end on December 21st, and it was a do-or-die situation - Quite literally! I had this huge pang in my heart, that I would regret not starting this story in the least. And to have it come this far... I'm almost at a tenth of what I wanted to write!

I hope you've found my story enjoyable, and I hope you look forward to this more. And, as I say, I am currently writing (and editing on-the-go) the next part of Messiah.

Much love to those whom have followed me thus far. And finally, thank you reader - If not for you, the motivation to write onward might have died a long time ago.

Look forward to the next instalment!

Back to work,

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Messiah 5 : Marriage

Katachi reached for the clothes within the basket, and flapped them out so they would not crease. With intent care, Katachi slowly threaded the small pole across the arm hole, to the other arm hole. With the clothes properly straightened, he hung the small plank onto a rack, with many other clothes and garments already on it.

K : (... That should be all of Mother Rin's clothes. Now, for Roberia's...)

Katachi had his qualms about seeing her garments, but since Roberia insisted that he accustom to her presence around him swiftly, he was allowed to touch and hang her clothes.

It's surprising what many would give, and even die for to catch a glimpse of her apparel; Not every day comes an opportunity to chance upon the regal clothes, which Katachi handles, blissfully ignorant of its fine craftsmanship.

K : "?" (This shirt...)

The burgundy shirt she had in the basket, which comprised her battle wear, was a familiar sight. Katachi recalls the time Roberia was impaled during one of their battles, and her blood soaked and seeped into the shirt, staining its rough crimson with a contrasting shade of maroon.

K : (Where's the hole on the shirt? Does she have multiples of this shirt? Shouldn't this shirt be damaged or at least patched up with some cloth?)

To his surprise, the cloth he held in his hands was unscathed. There were no signs of sewing at the damaged part of the torso, or any other sort of wear-and-tear or loosening of the shirt's neck hole. Nothing at all. It seemed just as new as it had been the first time he met her.

K : (... This is weird... This can't possibly be the only shirt she has... What kind of materiel is this made of? It's almost like... Cotton, maybe? It looks... Pretty smooth, actually...)

Katachi had heard and read about fables of the wondrous cotton shirt, on its comfort and elasticity, which is far superior to his usual raggy linen shirts mended repeatedly with patches of other fabric. But to see one in the flesh, Katachi's heart throbbed with both excitement and pain.

K : (... A real cotton shirt? It's real? Whoa... So this soft, smooth texture is cotton... ? But, isn't this expensive? Was her family quite rich or something? Perhaps... A farmer family with a middle-class heritage? Won't this shirt be really taxing for them, if they aren't? They could have used the money to pay the bandits and ward them off, but...)

Katachi's mood soured a little.

K : (... On hindsight, the bandits will take everything anyway, so maybe it's a wiser choice to spend it on Roberia after all, since she's not going to stay there for them to hoard... Or did she run away from home after a recent attack, to escape with whatever they had left? Are the bandits clever? Can they tell what's valuable and what's not?... And, what 'valuables' did they take away, exactly?)

His moods churned and churned, giving off an odor similar to curdled soy milk.

K : (... They didn't take her 'valuable', did they?... I... I kind of feel bad for her...)

*Cozy's Notes : That's surprisingly... adult for a 10 year old boy. Then again, I think that's affected by both his era, as well as his horrid mistreatment when he was young. I'll write about his past soon enough, in a few... Uhm... About 40 chapters from now.

Oh my god. Sorry for making you guys wait. But it's gotta be explained in a story order, y'know. Look forward to when it comes - You'd be surprised how sad his past actually is, which could explain his personality now.*

He silently reached for another wooden pole to hang the shirt with.

*** ***

Later that day, when Katachi had finished lining the clothes and dusting off the church area, he stumbled upon Mother Rinnesfeld sitting at a corner of the catering room.

K : "Mother Rin? I'm finished with dusting- ?"

Mother Rinnesfeld was holding something in her hands - A white-colored gem, as well as a plain ring with am empty slot.

Ri : "Ah, good work. Go enjoy yourself, dear. Mother's busy."

K : "? Busy? Busy with what?"

Ri : "This, dear."

K : "What's that in your hands?"

Ri : "These are wedding rings, dear."

K : "!?" (Wedding rings?!)

Katachi excitedly jogged over to her side and peered above her shoulder. She had been trying to place the white gem onto the ring for a while now, but delicate work like that proved to be challenging for a nun whom was accustomed with rough, burly work.

*Cozy's Notes : Marry me, Rinnesfeld! I have good precise hands, and I will tend to you for life!- Actually, I don't. My hands shake a damn lot too when I'm handling small objects and components. In any case, please, marry me! Here is my proposal to you!*

K : "Should I help?"

Ri : "Well, if you want to. I'm setting up the first ring. Try the other."

Katachi reached for and picked up the lightweight, pristine white gem and the plain ring on the counter. Slowly, he tried to fit the gem onto the ring with utmost care, and in moments the gem had snugly attached itself to a comfortable position.

*Cozy's Notes : He's a natural, damn. There goes my chance. I shall write WINCEST, IN WHICH CASE- Wait, that doesn't make sense. He's marrying Roberia, not Rinnesfeld.

Uhm... Ah. That was awkward.*

K : (Such a pretty ring... I remember these things.)

But something was caught in his sights; At where the ring was held, is an engraving.

K : (... -ia. Roberia?)

Katachi turned the ring a bit, and read the full name on the ring.


K : (... Wait, this... This is her ring? Then, the other...?)

Dared he peek at Mother Rinnesfeld's hands, while she was fumbling and fiddling with the gem and ring?

Katachi slowly eked his head out a bit over her shoulder, and caught sight of a few letters.

K : (... A... A bunch of... Anikan characters?)

On the other ring, the words 凝椿 形 were engraved. They were beautiful characters, but Katachi didn't know what they meant.

K : (... Then... Who's the other ring for?... Is that me?)

Katachi placed the ring back onto the desk while gazing at the ring in Mother Rinnesfeld's hands.

Ri : "Thank you. You can leave this one to me, dear. Run along now."

*** ***

Later in the afternoon...

Ro : "Kotsuba Katachi! Come over here!"

The red-haired girl wearing white robes called out to Katachi hiding behind the doorway.

K : "... It's embarrassing..."

Ro : "Don't shy away from me! There is nothing to be afraid of!"

K : "..."

Katachi reluctantly stepped out, in loose white robes of a similar hue and an odd hat.

*Cozy's Notes : I can't use the story to describe the hat's shape. It wouldn't make sense, since it's referencing our modern-day culture. It's sort of like a top hat, with cloth-like bandages around and a crest in favor of a gem at the center. Think of it like a turban that is shaped like a top hat with a dull gem carved with a pattern you see on some shields.*

Ro : (... He looks absolutely ridiculous... I can tell why he wouldn't want to be seen like this, but... marriages under Ilpoh were never this... This... Expressive, perhaps? We look so silly...)

K : "Don't stare. This is embarrassing..."

Ro : "... We were never required to dress like this in Rugnud."

K : "Well, I've seen people wear this for their weddings, but to think of myself wearing something like that... It looks unbecoming, and it's really awkward because most of the time, the couple consummates with each other immediately after the oath."

Ro : "Consummate!?" (Already?! That's... That's too soon, is it not?!)

K : "D- D- Don't worry! I won't, uh, I won't bed with you if, uh, if you don't want to..."

Ro : "... I'll take your word for it... We'll see."

The two walked slowly along the small corridor, towards the church hall where Mother Rinnesfeld awaited them.

*** ***

The hall was lit up with beautiful, viridian lights, and Mother Rinnesfeld stood at the podium, with a huge smile on her face, welcoming the couple before her.

Ri : "Would you two stand before me?"

K : "..."
Ro : "Of course."

The two stood before her, as she had instructed.

Ri : "Right then. Katachi, Roberia, hook your arms together, back to back."

K : "Like this?"

Katachi leaned his back against hers, and threaded his arms around hers. Roberia, to accustom to Katachi's height, bent her knees a bit.

Ro : "Uh... Yeah. That's my arm."

*Cozy's Notes : Duh, what else will they be, your knees? I get that you're tall, but surely Katachi can't be that short- No offense, though. I have love for them too. Just... Not as much for them as Rinnesfeld. Ironic, since the story's focused around them. Cuz I totally will want to, and eventually would, write fanfics about Rinnesfeld.

.... Writing fanfics for my own, ORIGINAL story. Great work, Cozy. Sigh... Me and my brain farts. HOW DOES THE AUTHOR WRITE A FAN FIC ABOUT HIS OWN STORY?! I'M THE AUTHOR, NOT A FAN!! I DON'T EVEN- *

Ri : "Good. Do you trust each other?"

Ro : "Yes."
K : "Yes."

Ri : "So as you decree, Segus shall now test your devotion. Let us witness testament to it, by having the couple walking around the church on each other's backs."

*Cozy's Notes : ... I'm sorry, Rinnesfeld... If you carry me on your back, I am pretty sure your back will break - Unless if, of course, you're fatter and heavier than me, which is impossible.

... I'm sorry... I love you...*

Ro : "What?-"
K : "I'll start, then."

Ro : "Wh- What are you doing?!"

Katachi bent his back, and lifted Roberia's feet just slightly off the ground. Her towering height over him wasn't making the ordeal any easier. Slowly, he carried Roberia around on his back across the church hall and back.

Ro : "Ahh! This is so embarrassing! Good lord, is this how Segus followers carry out their wedding!?"

K : "Just bear with it, Roberia! I'm about halfway there! You can trust me!"

Ro : (... Submitting oneself to their partners whole-heartedly like so...)

Katachi turned the corners of the church slowly, trying to make sure that Roberia does not get injured from the squarish stone pillars. Roberia, trying to avoid scraping her skin from the rugged edges on the stone pillar, laid her body against Katachi's in an arch, to keep her limbs as close to Katachi as she could.

Ro : "Careful! My leg! My leg! It's going to hit! Ahh!!"

And finally, Katachi placed her back down, when they were before Mother Rinnesfeld once again.

K : "... Your turn..."

Ro : "Should be easy enough."

Roberia, whom was at least a head taller than Katachi, simply stood up straight, walked a circle around the area, and stood back before the podium once more.

K : "So, how would your people carry out your weddings?"

Ro : "... Well... we usually have a ceremo-"

Ri : *cough* "Please speak later, honey."

Ro : "... Sorry."

Ri : "Segus has bore witness to your devotion. And now, I bestow upon this couple, their seal. Come forth and receive your rings which prove your matrimony."

Roberia quickly walked up towards the podium, and picked up the two rings. Katachi slowly followed suit.

*Cozy's Notes : He's still hesitant over whether marrying Roberia is a good choice or not? Seriously? He's already about to get his ring! But it does reflect upon the anxiety a non-mutual couple faces before the marriage. Not like their relationship isn't mutual, but uh. It isn't mutual yet, but it will get to that point soon.

... Too bad the couples of our society today don't have such luck of falling in love with each other heavily after the marriage.*

Ro : "!!!" (It's beautiful... A white crystal? It's completely different from Mom and Dad's... They have this red gem with a sigil, but this ring has a clear and white one...)

She sees her name engraved beneath one of them.

Ro : "!! This... This is for me?"

Katachi took the chance to clarify with Mother Rinnesfeld.

K : "Is that mine then, Mother Rin?"

Ri : "Yes. That's your name in Ohdean. It says 'Kotsuba Katachi'."

Katachi gazed at his white coloured ring for a bit, mesmerized.

K : (That's my name in Ohdean?... It's beautiful...)
Ro : "Katachi! Put it onto my finger!"

K : "Ahh... Ahh! Okay!"

And so, their bond fostered, their new lives begin, and they settle down, to bear a good number of children.

*** ***

Or so one would think.