Sunday, 11 August 2013

What hath becometh of thee?! (Warning : Mature content)

Hello guys, it's Cozy. Just here to update a bit on what I did recently.

I didn't write WoP Quest this week because this week is a precious week to me. It's where I get a holiday on Thursday for a celebration of Islam's Hari Raya Puasa. Thankfully I live in Singapore, where such holidays are upheld in high regard, and so it's a public holiday.

Friday, August 9th, was National Day. At least, for Singapore, that is. I'm not the most patriotic, and not the most energetic for such an event, despite being a citizen. With good reason, I couldn't spend National Day as National Day. I attended a huge festival on that day instead.

Then came the usual Saturday & Sunday where I wouldn't have much to do - Oho, you believed that? Hohoho no, I spent these 4 days of holidays accumulating precious research materiel. You see, on August 8th, xEternalAu, a Youtube account, released the last part of his Let's Play of Monster Girl Quest. I spent these 4 days watching his entire Let's Bullshit of MGQ, to absorb the story.

I love the ending of MGQ part 3. I truly do. If you haven't played it yet, I strongly suggest you do. I read the story to know what the makers of Monmusu Quest would put in their plot. If you haven't noticed, it's a great game - Epic storyline, a funny and ridiculous usage of mechanics (Daystar Salamander Daystar, people. DSD all the way. You don't even have to play the game anymore. XD), a wonderful ending that I thoroughly enjoyed, what's not to love?

And, if entitled a simple 4GB thumbdrive, I could replay the game all day. Without losing, of course - I'm not going to lose on purpose or anything, but I would definitely replay the game on Hard difficulty. Did you know that MGQ's lose and rape scenes contains potentially enough materiel to last a virile man through a decade? I didn't know that when I got the game, but it is surprising trivia, definitely.

I watched the Let's Play because EternalAu is an okay person, I guess. He flash skips the H scenes, and presents the sole combat mechanics and plot of the game. I thank him for making the Let's Play as H-free as he could, and that helps because I can focus on the plot - The ending is tinted in a bittersweet flavour, one that I would want to achieve as an ending in Endus Reignum.

As such, I have no story chapter this week. But I would probably put a Deku Up! very soon, probably in a couple of day's time. Have a good week.

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