Thursday, 7 May 2015

I hooked up with Partridge Publishing.

Cozy :

So... I did it.

I've decided to invest SGD 1,200 into Partridge Publishing.

What book do I even want to publish? Words of Power Quest? Alas, My Dear Annabelle? I have no idea.

... Maybe WoP Quest, actually. I...

... I bear bad news.

It appears as though Chapter 1 - 32 will no longer be available publicly.

I mean, the story is still here. It definitely is. But it will be taken off the blog, and if you want to read it...

... This is your last chance to re-read the first 32 before I do edits and seal it off from human eyes for good.

But, then again, that means you can find my book on the Library Congress now. Wonderful, isn't it?

... Still... It's a darn shame. I've actually had other plans for this story.

I wanted to live-stream myself reading the story. I want to make this a book publicly available for the blind and physically disabled.

... Hey, maybe that's still possible. I might try that. Hell, the breaks in-between can be for fun, and I can do some voice impersonations or songs. Performances, even - I have an instrument to play, and an audience to play for, so it'll be kinda fun and not all drab and solemn story-reading.

Or, I can simply omit it and focus solely on Rhaad's Journey : Metronomica, the story I never got to writing. Or, I can go with Alas, My Dear Annabelle. That's still a bit tough, but I'll manage somehow.

... Somehow.

In any case! WoP Quest shall either graduate from being a free blog story by a guy with a desire, into a paid story by a guy with a desire; Or some other story will. Heheh.

*** ***

It's not that long this time.

I'm still serving the army, and well... It's not bad. For now

It's because I'm now working as a store man in one of the camps in Singapore. It's called the Hendon Camp, and security is pretty high-detail but it's decent.

I still get to do physical training, and I'm mainly tending to a store so the life isn't as harsh as the others in combat units. Well, it's not like I don't have any regrets - My batch that enlisted had three of my friends passing out of the BMT phase without me. And so I sit here, in this office chair, guarding the equipment the troopers use.

I'm just slightly disturbed, though - Ever since I joined the Army, the left hip bone of mine seemed to have worsened.

It keeps rubbing against my leg bone, and the running and sprint I've had to do makes it hurts and throb in pain sometimes.

... Honestly... I don't think I'll be able to do as much PT as I had hoped to at this rate.

Still, it's a blessing. Had I joined a combat unit, the bones would grind against each other even more, and I'm sure it would have worsened at a much faster rate.

At the very least, I now have the free time to look up the medic and ask for his guidance in regard to my bones.

*** ***

... I wonder.

I wonder if the future has what I expect of it.

I wonder what the future holds for me.

... I can only wonder.

Such is the wondrous nature of the Pillow.

Signing off,